10/31/2024 0 Comments Phone a FriendWhen a ballot issue is clearly addressed in Scripture, then we are called to cast our vote accordingly. That is not always the case. However, we can find guidance by applying the principles we do know and by asking God for wisdom in prayer. This assumes we’ve done our part by educating ourselves about the issues. But if the path is still unclear, talk to God in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Questions for further thought: 1. Do you see political decisions as an appropriate subject for prayer? Why or why not? 2. Which issue or issues do you see as the most challenging for you? How do you plan to approach it/them? Challenge: This week, if you are not educated about the issues, use this time to get familiar with them so that you know how to vote before you get to the polls.
10/30/2024 0 Comments The Living Operators ManualThe guidelines for transformation and the details on how to live as a citizen of God’s kingdom are found in the Bible, our instructional manual. Unlike any other book, this one is created by God and literally brought to life by the Holy Spirit. What does a transformed life look like? It’s in this book. What should my priorities be? That’s here too. This is wisdom for life, and these principles apply to the decisions we make when we head to the polls. But does the Bible address every specific ballot issue? Of course not. But wait, there’s more!
Questions for further thought: 1. How often do you use the Bible as a resource when making important life decisions? 2. How do you think the Bible might inform you in this upcoming election? Challenge: Do you practice a fixed or abundant mindset? Fixed is nothing more can be accomplished. I can do nothing. Abundance is where you can be more than you are now. We all can be more with the Holy Spirit as our mindset transformer. 10/29/2024 0 Comments RewiredWhen we become Christ-followers, Jesus accepts us as we are. However, it is not His intention to leave us there. From the time we are born, we are learning. Much of that learning is beneficial. But we also acquire habits and ways of thinking that are not in line with God’s design for us. The Spirit is constantly at work transforming and rewiring our wrong ways of thinking to bring them in line with His plan…and to help us be more fulfilled and productive members of His kingdom. But how do we understand His intentions for us? Tune in tomorrow.
Questions for further thought: 1. Can you identify the major ways your thinking, and your actions, have changed since you became a Christian? 2. How does your transformed thinking impact your decision making when it comes to everyday issues? Challenge: Identify a decision that you need to make regarding your ballot. Filter it through what you know of Jesus’ teaching and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you. 10/28/2024 0 Comments Dual CitizenshipEven before we mark our ballot, we need to realize that we have a dual citizenship. We are called to participate in the activities of government as citizens of the United States. Voting is one of those activities. But first and foremost, we belong to an eternal kingdom which Jesus references in this passage. Our primary loyalty is to our King, and His agenda should inform our decision on every ballot issue. So, practically speaking, how does this work? Read on.
Questions for further thought: 1. Do you see yourself primarily as a citizen of the U.S. or of God’s kingdom? 2. Are the people you spend the most time with every day aware of your dual citizenship? Challenge: Take a sticky note. Write on it and affix it to your mirror or somewhere you will see it every day. Write: “I am a son/daughter of the King of the universe.” Remembering this daily will help you with your identity. 10/25/2024 0 Comments Contributing to the Common GoodProspering, for those of us in Christ, does not look like what our society claims it should i.e. wealth, career success, social status. Though none of these things are inherently bad, they cannot be our definition of prospering. A prospering society, in Christ’s view, involves the prospering of all people including the poor, the marginalized, those on the outside of “society”. This view is prevalent in the Bible not only in the Sermon on the Mount but in many of Christ’s other teachings. Not only did Christ teach these principles he demonstrated them through his actions as well. The kingdom of God is an “upside down” kingdom. Prospering must involve the whole community. While there are many approaches as to how to best accomplish these goals, they should always be a part of what it means when we look to prosper our communities and the world around us.
Questions for further thought: 1. How a I seeking to prosper all members of my community? 2. Am I filtering my political decisions through Christ’s “upside down kingdom” view? Challenge: Consider an issue that involves the flourishing of a group of people that society would consider on the outside, examine if your faith is influencing your politics on the issue or if your politics is influencing your faith? 10/24/2024 0 Comments Identity in ChristWhen we are developing a Biblical world view and trying to discern how we should make decisions regarding politics and our place in politics we must remember that our identity is first and foremost in Christ, not our nation, not our politics, not even our church. None of these things are bad, but when they supersede our identity in Christ we must rethink our priorities. When we find ourselves deciding on issues based on just what our political party, favorite news media or social media influences tell us then we are not using our identity in Christ to guide and shape our decision making. We have to have the courage to say “no” to “our tribe” if what our tribe is proposing is contrary to our identity as members of Christ’s “holy nation”.
Questions for further thought: 1. Where in your politics is your world view shaped more by your tribe than by the Bible? 2. Do you know what the Bible actually says about the issues that are most important to you, or do you assume the Bible backs up whatever your party says about the issue? Challenge: Pick one issue you feel strongly about, really dive deep into the Bible to see what it actually says about the issue. Read an opposing view and see if any part of that view would fit Biblically. 10/23/2024 0 Comments Do Not Conform to this WorldIn Romans 12:2 Paul tells us to not conform to this world. We are to do this by transforming our minds. Our minds are being transformed daily whether we are aware of that transformation or not. We are being transformed by what we surround ourselves with. Our minds are transformed by what we put into them. Paul not only calls us to not conform to this world, but he says this non-conforming will allow us to be able to determine God’s will! If we are filling our minds with what our social media platform, favorite news station or political party wants to fill it with we will be “discerning” what they have to say, not what God has to say. If you want discernment, if you don’t want to conform to this world, you have to transform your mind, and you can only do that by putting in your mind greater quantities of the things of God over the things of this world.
Questions for further thought: 1. What in your life is contributing the most to the transformation of your mind? 2. Do you really desire your mind to be transformed according to God’s view, even if it puts you at odds with your political party or tribe? Challenge: Take 2-3 days this week and keep track of how much time you spend on social media, watching and/or reading the news. Compare that to how much time you spend praying, reading and meditating on God’s word and time in fellowship with other believers. Which is greater? 10/22/2024 0 Comments DiscernmentLiving wisely in this world, especially during these politically fraught times requires discernment. I John 4: 1 tells us to test the spirits to see if they are from God because there are many false prophets in the world. Discernment comes only from God and God’s spirit, but we are not passive in this process. Proverbs 2: 1-5 tells us to call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding as well as seek wisdom as silver or a hidden treasure. We are to seek, to cry out, to look for wisdom and the knowledge of God with the fervor we would use to look for treasure. How much time would you invest in treasure hunting if you were guaranteed you would find treasure? God tells us if we seek Him and the knowledge of Him he WILL give it to us, not maybe, not might, but will. What greater treasure is there?
Questions for further thought: 1. Have you asked God to give you discernment and wisdom? 2. Are you open to learning that what you thought was right, may not be right in God’s eyes? Challenge: Take some time each day this week to pray for wisdom and discernment, especially before you engage in watching your favorite news station or social media platform. 10/21/2024 0 Comments Developing a Biblical World ViewWhere is your world view coming from, the Bible, your preferred news channel, your social media platforms? Where are you spending most of your time? You have heard it said that you can tell a person’s priorities by looking at where their money goes, the same is true by looking at where our time goes. My phone gives me a weekly “report” that breaks down how much time I spend on it; how much time I spend on social media, watching streaming channels, playing games etc. This is an alarming wake up call for me each week. If it were to record how much time I spend in prayer, meditating on God’s word and engaging with other believers, which number would be greater? If I want to develop a Biblical world view I have to know what the Bible says, and I cannot know what it says if I don’t spend time in it. Listening to a sermon once a week, no matter how good it is, is not enough to shape and form our hearts, minds and actions into Christ-like followers.
Questions for further thought: 1. If you had an app that could keep track of how much time you spend thinking on what is, “true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable”, how much time do you think it would add up to? 2. Do you think the time you spend thinking on those things would be more or less than the amount of time you spend on other things? Challenge: Set a daily goal to spend 10 min. each day thinking on the things Paul instructs us to in Phil. 4:8. Once you have achieved 10 min. consistently, see if you can increase your amount of time. 10/18/2024 0 Comments Eternal PerspectiveRecently, I was with one of my longtime Christian friends when I saw another longtime Christian friend. These two friends had a falling out in years past about theological differences. They ignored each other (but acknowledged me) at this chance meeting. It hurt me since I am friends with both. I want them to get along, but they will both need healing first. Eventually they both will spend life together in eternity and will need to get along.
Questions for further thought: 1. Is there someone you still hold a grudge against? 2. Is the grudge, and the hurt friendship worth it? Challenge: Reach out to the people you have strained relationships with, especially the Christians. If you need to use a mediator or counseling to help, then use it. Living in eternity with them will be so much better. |
AuthorThis devotional is written every week by Hillcrest members. Archives
January 2025
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