12/31/2024 0 Comments A New Creation“Out with the old, and in with the new!” It’s fitting that New Year’s falls so close after Christmas. Before Jesus, the old way of reaching God was in our own strength, which never could be sufficient. In the person of Jesus, God reached down to us. Jesus saved us, thank God – but he was also the first example of the new creation that we can take part in.
Questions for further thought: 1. How often do you still try to do things on your strength? 2. How does it make a difference for you when you ask for God’s help first? Challenge: Think about the ways you ask God for help. Sometimes it’s just a desperate plea, and you’ve got nothing more than the cry of your heart. God hears and answers. But more often our requests are quick or perfunctory, or we think whatever we’re asking for is too unimportant. Challenge yourself to dwell in your prayer and give God time to answer.
12/30/2024 0 Comments The Narrow Gate“Which way do I go?” That’s probably the most common prayer, in one form or another. Show me what’s right! When we hear that the road to life is narrow, it’s discouraging. It would be daunting if we had to find the way on our own, maybe even impossible. But our God doesn’t leave us wandering in the wilderness. He is faithful if we keep on asking.
Questions for further thought: 1. Do you feel like there were times this year when you didn’t get direction and needed it? 2. Were there times in 2024 when you simply forgot to ask for guidance? Challenge: Take a moment to think about the ways God led you this past year. Maybe you didn’t hear audible words but instead a gentle nudge. Or maybe circumstances, even difficult circumstances, pushed you in a direction that in hindsight brought blessings. Thank Him for His faithfulness. 12/27/2024 0 Comments His DirectionDavid relied on and had faith in God’s plan for his life. Like David, God wants us to rely on and have faith in His plan for our lives. He does not promise there will not be trials. We will have valleys to traverse but He promises to walk with us and guide our steps. As we prepare for a new year to start, ask God to direct your path and then, trust in Him and take the first step onto that path.
Questions for further thought: 1. What might God be calling you to do? 2. What might need to change for you to take the path God is calling you to? Challenge: Pray for God’s direction and then, take the first step on the path He wants you to follow. 12/26/2024 0 Comments Jesus' PromisesThis passage in John is a promise from our Savior and provides all of us hope. Then in Philippians, Paul reminds us to press forward toward this prize and to keep the faith. So, when the troubles of this world get us down, remember Jesus’ promises and Paul’s instruction. Jesus prepares a place for you; He will come back and until He does, we are to be His hands and feet in the world. Shine and share His Light in everything you do.
Questions for further thought: 1. When has Jesus kept His promises? 2. What might be different in your life if you relied and focused on His promises? Challenge: Knowing Jesus is faithful to keep His promises, take time to thank Him for the blessings in your life and ask Him who you should share His promises with today. Then, take action and share Jesus’s love and promises with the one He revealed to you. 12/25/2024 0 Comments Shepherds and Angels Spread HopeWe need to be like the shepherds even more in today’s world. We live in a divisive culture where many suffer from addiction, depression, anxiety and hopelessness. Many of those around us need the hope and love of Jesus and as the hands and feet of Jesus, we are the means of sharing this message with the world. We cannot assume they know; we must love and share without hesitation like the shepherds.
Questions for further thought: 1. Who in your life needs to hear or feel the love of Jesus today? 2. Who have you shared Jesus’ love or message with lately? Challenge: Take time this holiday season to share Jesus’ love and hope with at least one of the individuals you identified in question #1. This could be something as simple as inviting them to church or taking them a meal. 12/24/2024 0 Comments Zechariah’s DisbeliefI must admit I would say the same thing to Gabriel if he visited me today with the same message. It is our first response to the miracles of God—How can this be? It is not possible. Our finite minds cannot comprehend the possibilities of an infinite God. Nothing is impossible for Him. He has given children to couples who are barren, parted water with a wooden staff providing safety, knocked down the walls with trumpets, cured lifelong diseases, and brought the dead to life. He is still working miracles today. We need to be unlike Zechariah and put our faith and hope in the impossible.
Questions for further thought: 1. When has God done the impossible in your life? 2. What in your life looks to be impossible? Challenge: Take the impossible to God in prayer and as we did on Monday, leave it with God and believe and trust in our infinite God 12/23/2024 0 Comments Mary's FaithMary’s faith is amazing to me. Here you have a young girl who is being told that she will deliver the Son of God, and she replies, “let it be as you have said.” I must admit I do not always have this level of faith as I struggle with worrying about things I do not have any control over. You do not see Mary worrying about the effects this could have on her relationship with Joseph, or how society might see her. No. She simply accepts God’s will and path for her life. May we all strive to put our hope and faith in our God and His promises like Mary.
Questions for further thought: 1. What areas in your life do you need to have more hope and faith in God? 2. Think back over the past year, how has God helped and blessed you this year? Challenge: Write a letter to God giving one of your areas of concern over to Him. Then, seal the letter in an envelope or put in a prayer box (whichever you have) and let God work. When you find yourself worrying about it, remind yourself that you have given this to God and rely on His past, present and future faithfulness to take care of the concern for you. 12/20/2024 0 Comments True BrokennessBrokenness is not a feeling or an emotion. It is a conscience choice, an act of the will. True brokenness is a lifestyle, a way of agreeing with God about the true condition of my heart and life. Brokenness strips a person of their self-reliance and independence from God. Thus, the broken person has no confidence in his/her own righteousness or his/her own works, but cast total dependence upon the grace of God working in and through them. Moreover, brokenness can be summed up as an utter shattering of my self-will and absolute surrender of my will to the will and direction of God.
Questions for further thought: 1. In what areas of your life are you not submitted fully to God? 2. Why do you think that you have not surrendered your will in that area? Challenge: Take time in prayer asking for God to give a humble spirit in which He can mold and shape you for His great purpose. Pray that He will help you seek and submit to His will. 12/19/2024 0 Comments A New CreationPaul writes that in the light of Christ’s death, he is insistent that Christians have no right to live selfishly. This Biblical idea directly attacks the fabric of today’s culture. As you look at magazine titles with names such as People, Us, and Self, how can we not get caught up in this ego-centric school of thought? This is where the Scripture comes in complete opposition of this concept as God proclaims a whole new creation in Christ. Selflessness is prized through a new covenant, a new perspective, a new body, and a new Church. All of creation is being renewed.
Questions for further thought: 1. In what ways could you encourage fellow Christians to counter society’s values? Do you think you would encounter any opposition? 2. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, Paul writes that if anyone is in Christ they are a new creation: everything old has passed away, everything has become new. In what ways does your life reflect this new perspective? Challenge: In your prayer time, ask God to reveal things in your life that are pursuing the world’s values rather than His. Ask for His strength and conviction to put God’s desires first and foremost in your life. 12/18/2024 0 Comments Confidence Before GodJohn wrote this book to give the believer assurance that if they are “abiding” or “remaining” in God’s word they will receive whatever they request because they are obeying Him and doing those things that please the Father. In this, John states that the believer can have “confidence” before God and boldly bring their requests unto the Father. We must, however, be careful not to confuse this quiet confidence with glibness or a prideful attitude. It is imperative that we maintain a reverent tone as we bring our requests toward our loving and merciful Lord.
Questions for further thought: 1. In what ways could you demonstrate God’s command to love one another? 2. I’ve heard it said that Biblical love is a verb. What are some ways that this love action could benefit those around you who don’t know Christ? Challenge: Read 1 John 3 and consider ways in which God is calling you to a love action. Plan to pursue those actions as the Holy Spirit leads you. |
AuthorThis devotional is written every week by Hillcrest members. Archives
January 2025
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