2/28/2022 0 Comments What IS the bible?Old Testament (entire); John 5:39 The canonical Bible, which is the version you probably own and read, is essentially the story of God creating humans, and then choosing a people – the Israelites – to have a relationship with Him (the Old Testament). The New Testament is the story of our Lord Jesus, the One who came to show the world who God really is and HOW to have that pure, wonderful relationship with our Father and His children (which is all of us). Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life God wants for all of us.
Questions for further thought: 1. Do we often remember that God Himself created us FOR Him from the beginning? 2. Do we remember that God Himself DIED for us in order for Him to HAVE that original relationship? Challenge: Start thinking back to the very beginning of time, and think about the majesty and love that God is simply by deciding that we needed to be created. Then, ponder the fact that we, though sinful, are still His greatest desire to be with and know Him as the amazing Father that He is and always has been. Pray for that peaceful reflection today!
2/25/2022 0 Comments Know Jesus and BelieveThe whole point of the scriptures from beginning to end is for people to know Jesus and believe that He is the Messiah. Jesus explained how all of scripture pointed to who He is and how He would provide our salvation. The prophecies of the Old Testament and the miracles of the New are recorded as evidence so we may know the truth of His great love for us.
Questions for further thought: 1. Why is it difficult for some people to believe the truths in the bible? 2. How can you lovingly share biblical truth with those God has place in your sphere of influence? (Remember the point is to point them to Jesus!) Challenge: Take steps to strengthen your foundation of faith in Christ. Don’t get caught in the trap of “blind faith” that only believes because someone else told you to. Dig into the amazing word of God, seek the evidence that supports the bible’s claims, and really KNOW what YOU believe! 2/24/2022 0 Comments Obey and DoLiving in the information age, we often take for granted the ease at which we can access instructions for how to do just about anything. But those instructions don’t do us much good if we don’t actually follow them. Jesus compared listening to his teaching and then not obeying it to building a house on sand – completely pointless! (Matt. 7:26)
Questions for further thought: 1. When do you find yourself consuming information just for the sake of knowledge? 2. What blessings have you received from doing what God’s word says? Challenge: When reading scripture, highlight any commands you come across, especially those the Holy Spirit impresses upon your heart. Then pray for the courage to take action. 2/23/2022 0 Comments Memorize and RejoiceHow often do we get excited about God’s word? We know that reading the bible is an important discipline of the Christian life, but what if we approached it as something delightful? The bible includes exciting dramas, uplifting advice, and beautiful poetry. Find the verses that speak to your heart or make your soul sing and commit them to memory.
Questions for further thought: 1. How do you feel about hiding God’s word in your heart? 2. What can you do to foster an attitude of rejoicing when approaching scripture? Challenge: Read all of Psalm 119 and soak in the writer’s tone of praise. Then choose your favorite section, write it out on paper, and post it where you will see it every day. Memorize! 2/22/2022 0 Comments Study and MeditateEven though God spoke directly to Joshua (like He had to Moses before him), God still wanted him to study the Torah (first five books of the bible). God told Joshua that his success required that he meditate on these instructions day and night. How much more would we prosper in our walk with Christ if we followed Joshua’s example?
Questions for further thought: 1. What would meditating on God’s word day and night look like for you? 2. When was the last time you loved God with “all your mind?” Challenge: Choose a book of the bible or a section of scripture to study. Find a resource such as a book, commentary, or Right Now Media video to help you delve deeper. 2/21/2022 0 Comments Powerful CorrectionBecause scripture is alive and powerful, we can use it to align ourselves with God’s will. It is our trustworthy “GPS” that corrects us when we get off course and shows us the right way. Sometimes we don’t even realize our thoughts or actions aren’t God-honoring, but while reading His word, the Holy Spirit reveals where we are wrong.
Questions for further thought: 1. What is your daily scripture reading plan? 2. How has scripture equipped you “to do every good work?” Challenge: Before you read the bible, pray for an open mind and a soft heart that allows the Spirit to convict you when you need course corrections. 2/18/2022 0 Comments Irony or God's Sense of Humor?During this week of study, I have really enjoyed reading all the quotes from different theologians, writers, rulers and noblemen regarding their “expert” advice on how the bible will come to a point of non-existence and/or become irrelevant. One of my favorites was from 1776: Voltaire, a French philosopher, said, “In 100 years the bible will be a forgotten book, only to be found in museums.” 100 years later, Voltaire was dead, and his house was purchased by the Geneva Bible Society for the printing and distribution of bibles! Things like this show me how little even the “smartest” of men truly know and how God does, in fact, have a sense of humor.
Questions for further thought: 1. What is something that you have taken away from this week’s soul provider? 2. What are some ways that you have seen God’s sense of humor? Challenge: Be ready and prepared this weekend to come and learn something new about the truth and writing of the bible on Sunday morning. 2/17/2022 0 Comments Compelling EvidenceThe 66 books of the Bible were written over a period of 1600 years by 40 different men. Those men came from all different periods of time, backgrounds, countries and continents! How reasonable would it be to think that all 40 would write about the same thing? When pieced together this book written well over a millennium, makes one complete story. Even if all the men were in the same room at the same time, how likely is it that they would ALL agree on the same things? Yet, God’s word stands without contradiction. Their story’s fit seamlessly together, to unite in one theme from beginning to end of Jesus Christ and the redemption of mankind.
Questions for further thought: 1. How much knowledge do you have of the history of the bible? 2. Is there anything you have learned about the bible and how it came to be that surprised you? Challenge: If you have a question come up during the week on the history of the bible and how it was put together, make it a point to gain some knowledge and find sources to have your question answered! 2/16/2022 0 Comments Examine the EvidenceIn Acts 2:22-28 Peter presented compelling proof that Jesus was Christ. First, he spoke of the miracles of Jesus Christ. He also testified to the fact that Jesus came back from the dead, which Peter and the other disciples were witnesses to. Finally, Peter said that Jesus’ resurrection was a fulfillment of bible prophecy. Therefore, Peter appealed to miracles, Jesus’ resurrection and fulfilled prophecy.
Questions for further thought: 1. How can you examine more evidence for the truth of the bible? 2. How have you experienced the truth of God’s word? Challenge: Do some digging into the bible on your own. After Jesus’ resurrection, how many people saw Him and witnessed Him being on earth for 40 days? 2/15/2022 0 Comments Taste and SeeThere are different approaches that Christians take when it comes to arguing for the bible being the Word of God. We will talk about the others in the days ahead, but the first approach is that scripture is self-authenticating. The bible is true because is says it’s true, and the Holy Spirit bears witness to this truth. When the truths of the bible are personally applied, the credibility of the bible is shown. Ultimately, a person must individually experience the truth of God’s Word for themselves. This occurs by coming to God in faith and then believing his promises.
Questions for further thought: 1. How has the Holy Spirit given you confirmation that the Word of God is true? 2. Has anyone ever asked you why you believe the bible is true? Challenge: Study sometime this week what approach you would use in defending the bible when asked. |
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January 2025
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