12/30/2022 0 Comments One More _______2 Kings 13:18-19 For the full perspective, read all of 2 Kings 13. The point for the king in this event was he quit. He stopped striking the arrow – what Elisha had told him to do – after 3 times. Elisha challenged his quitting and said he should have kept striking the arrow. The analogy for you and I is too often we quit too soon. Whatever the miracle you want in 2023 – health, relationships, finances, work, faith – you’re almost guaranteed to be tempted to stop far too soon. And when it comes, resolve to “strike your arrow” one more day, week, or month.
Question 1: When did you quit on something in life? Question 2: Why are we tempted to quit when we face resistance? Challenge: Don’t quit! If you’d like for someone to check in with you on your goal or miracle for 2023, email Brian and he’ll check in with you the last week of January.
12/30/2022 0 Comments Light Up the DarknessLight is a rich Old Testament symbol. It was the first thing God created (Gen. 1:3). During the Exodus, the people of God were led in their journey by a pillar of cloud and fire. (Ex. 13_21-22) The psalmist taught that “the Lord is my light” (Ps. 27:1) Jesus was boldly saying “The promised day of light has arrived, and I am the source.” He is the sun by which we see all things.
Questions for further thought: 1. What thoughts do the words “light of the world” bring to mind? 2. In what ways has Jesus been a light in your world? Challenge: Following Christ consists of more than a prayer to receive Jesus, or an emotional experience at a weekend retreat. Following Christ requires a person to live a life of faith in Him, turning from all known sin and trusting in Him completely day after day. We do this by surrendering our will to the will of our heavenly Father time and again. Pray for strength to persevere in your faith in Him and to continue to walk in a manner worthy of what you have been called to. 12/29/2022 0 Comments Righteousness through FaithAfter three chapters of brutally exposing our sin, at least Paul gives us a reason to be joyful: Jesus Christ has made it possible to have a right standing before God “for all who believe” the Gospel. (Rom. 3:22) The term “redemption” (v.24) brings up the idea of slaves being purchased and freed. Paul also describes God sending His Son as a “propitiation” (v.25) for us. This means that Jesus endured the wrath of God against sin in our place when He died on the cross. Because of the cross, our sin was dually punished, and yet we are simultaneously declared “not guilty” in God’s courtroom. This is how God can be both “just” and the “justifier” (v.26). Because of Jesus, both justice and salvation have been accomplished. Our hearts are moved as we marvel at a God whose wisdom provided a way to rescue guilty sinners without compromising His justice and holiness. We see a God rich in mercy to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to accomplish this salvation!
Questions for further thought: 1. How do you envision God? A cosmic killjoy out to ruin your fun or a merciful Father worthy of glory and honor? 2. What is your light meter this week? Do you need to review what lengths God has gone to bring you into relationship with Himself? Challenge: Jesus wants us to have a humble heart that beats with a genuine love for God and compassion for others. Ask God to give you a heart for the things He loves. 12/29/2022 0 Comments Who Am I?Each one of us is amazing, unique, and different. There’s not anyone else alive who is just like you. And yet as different as we all are, we’re also predictably different. What this means is we share similar characteristics and personalities as other people. Some of us are high energy. Some are more passive. Some of us prefer to get stuff done while others prefer to be with people. How God made you – your personality – can be a big key for you to achieve your miracle in 2023.
Question 1: What are some of your strengths and weaknesses? Question 2: How can knowing your strengths and weaknesses help you achieve your miracle this year? Challenge: Email Brian to receive a free DISC personality assessment to see how to use your personality in 2023. 12/28/2022 0 Comments The Bad NewsI know this is a week that we think so deeply about the light of Christ and the sweet little baby in manger. However, I surmise that if we are truly going to understand and appropriate what has been done for you and me as believers in Christ, we must explore what I call the “Bad News.” The “Bad News” is that we were “dead,” not injured or just needing a helping hand, in our trespasses and sins. We were destined for destruction until God stepped in in the form of Jesus Christ, the God-man. Verse 4 echoes two of the greatest words in the New Testament, “But God”! There was nothing we could do to earn this salvation or deserve it. We are saved by the grace of Christ through faith alone, not because we are so special. No works can save us as it is purely a gift of our gracious God so that He will get all the credit, which He richly deserves. Works are not the root of our salvation, but the evidence of it. Works do not save anyone, but all truly saved people will evidence good works. So let us live our lives in honor of the One who gave us such a great and wonderful gift!
Questions for further thought: 1. How does it feel to know that you and I had nothing to do with God’s acceptance of us? (v. 8-9) 2. In light of this freeing truth, what works has He put on your heart to undertake? Challenge: God is in control completely even when it seems as if things are off the rails. Keep an eye out this week for ways in which you can engage in the “good works that He has prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (v.10) 12/27/2022 0 Comments Joy of Being a Child of GodWho is Jesus? This is John’s main question and the quest we are invited to join as we read John’s account. Jesus is eternally on with the Father- the very Word of God, through whom God created all things. Amazingly, John tells us that the Word became flesh- God became man, yet never ceased being God. Rather Jesus came to reveal the Father to us, and show us how we can receive the joy of becoming His child. It is only by receiving Him and believing in His name by faith that becoming His child truly occurs. Those who truly see Jesus for who He really is have been born again from above and have truly become members of God’s family through a gift of God’s immeasurable grace. What a gracious God we serve! Tomorrow, we will look at what His great mercy and grace saved us from.
Questions for further thought: 1. Can you recall a time in your life when you truly believed and received the gift of eternal life though faith in Jesus Christ alone? If not, why? 2. What other things and efforts might you be trusting in for your salvation besides faith in Christ? If so, how do know when you’ve done enough to be accepted? Challenge: Focus your efforts this week on mercy for those that may not be accepting of this Gospel. Remember that if you are a child of God through faith in Jesus, it was mercy that brought you to this place of belief. 12/26/2022 0 Comments The Good News (The Gospel)Rather than bringing fear, which would be an appropriate response to the seeing the glory and greatness of God, the Gospel (the Good News) is described by the angels as “great joy that will be for all the people” (Luke 2:10). It is a message of joy because our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ has arrived to save and reign over people from every walk of life. It is a message of joy because this Savior and Lord is the One who brings peace and acceptance from God himself (v.14) to receive the good news of the Gospel is to understand that, despite our background and sinfulness, God reaches out to us with a loving message of peace. Peace that is available to all who will receive and believe in the One who is worthy of such honor, Jesus Christ, and we are made righteous through faith in Him alone.
Questions for further thought: 1. When you consider the Good News, how do you see your joy increase? 2. Have you believed in and received Jesus Christ and thus become a child of God? Why or why not? (See John 1:12) Challenge: Christians should be the most deeply satisfied and joyful people on the planet. (Luke 2:10) Ask God to continue filling your heart with a strong joy because of the eternal life purchased and provided by our great Savior, Jesus Christ. 12/23/2022 0 Comments Praise the Lord with JoyWith all the busyness of Christmas time, and life in general, we can easily become overwhelmed and exhausted. Then we wonder why we don’t feel joyful when we finally get to the big day of celebration. As Christians, we MUST take time out from all the doing to stop and be in God’s presence. When we genuinely praise and worship Him, our souls fill with the joy we were previously chasing after.
Questions for further thought: 1. What helps you put aside distractions and focus your praise on our Savior? 2. When was the last time your heart was able to worship without hinderance? Challenge: Don’t let another Christmas go by without taking time to praise our God for His extraordinary gift of salvation through Jesus. If you’re struggling with the words, choose a Psalm of praise to meditate on or read aloud. Have a JOYFUL Christmas!! 12/22/2022 0 Comments Priceless InheritanceSometimes this life is filled with so much pain and suffering or relentless daily struggles that we can’t even remember the last time we felt anything remotely resembling joy. Peter reminds us in this passage that our true inheritance as God’s children is being kept safe for us heaven. When we feel beat down by the world, we need to refocus our attention on the reality of what Christ has done for us and let our faith produce true joy within our souls.
Questions for further thought: 1. Who is winning in the battle for your attention lately? Jesus or the world? 2. What is your JOY level this week? Full, half tank, or running on empty? Challenge: If you’re not experiencing the joy that you would like to this season, evaluate what changes you can make to shift your focus and start implementing them. Whatever you do, keep your eyes on Jesus! 12/21/2022 0 Comments The Joy of LovingIn this passage Jesus reveals the secret to overflowing joy: a beautiful cycle of obeying and loving. He shares how much joy He has in His relationship with His Father, a relationship fueled by obedience and love. Christ wants us to enjoy this same cycle of basking in His love, obeying Him, and pouring this love out on others. We can’t unselfishly love others on our own. We must first be filled with the joy of Christ’s love before it can overflow out of us and to the people around us.
Questions for further thought: 1. How does it feel to know that Jesus specifically chose you and loves you? (v. 16) 2. What does “love each other” mean to you? Challenge: Christ commands us to love each other sacrificially. Take a step forward this season and do what you know He wants you to do. Experience the joy of obeying in love! |
AuthorThis devotional is written every week by Hillcrest members. Archives
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