11/30/2022 0 Comments Impossible!Even though Satan is "the father of lies, we can't lay all of the blame for our doubts on him. We are clearly held accountable for our doubts. Zechariah was told by God's messenger, Gabriel, that Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth would finally bear a son, even though (in Zechariah's opinion), they were well past the stage in life to have children. His unbelief and doubt resulted in his being struck mute.
Questions for further thought: 1. Has your doubt resulted in consequences from God? 2. What were the consequences and how were you affected? Challenge: Bring those doubts and fears before God and repent. God is faithful and just and will forgive you. Ask Him to strengthen you in times of doubt and fears.
11/29/2022 0 Comments The Father of LiesThe very first suggestion of doubt in the Bible comes from Satan and its only purpose was to sow the seeds of doubt in the minds of Adam and Eve that God didn't really mean what He says. Doubt is a tool used by Satan to suggest that we should lack confidence in what God is speaking to us and to suggest that God's judgment is unlikely.
Questions for further thought: 1. Do you doubt that God means what He tells us in His Word? 2. Do you believe God will hold you accountable for disobeying Him? Challenge: God is a perfect God, and He expects us to follow His commands. Even though He wants our obedience in everything, He knows that it is impossible for us to not sin. Thus, the plan for Jesus to act as our sacrifice, once and for all. Thank Him and believe! 11/28/2022 0 Comments DoubtThe Bible is loaded with examples of God fearing people who expressed fears and doubts. In reality, we all experience doubts of one kind or another in our faith journey, although rarely do we express them. Most of us are ashamed for doubting God. We are fearful that if we tell someone that we are struggling with doubt that our doubt signals a lack of faith. Christian theologian Paul Tillich tells us "Doubt is not the opposite of faith, it is one element of faith".
Questions for further thought: 1. What causes you to doubt? 2. How can you overcome your doubts? Challenge: Share your doubts with someone you trust. Reinforce your confidence in your faith by reading and meditating on Scripture. Remember and thank God for His faithfulness that you have already experienced. 11/25/2022 0 Comments A Most Honest RequestThis passage is one of the Bible’s great hidden gems. Can you identify with this man, who has a measure of faith but also recognizes his doubts? Haven’t we all been there? We know what Jesus can do and what He has done, but at times we also understand the gaps in our ability to believe. Again, Jesus doesn’t turn away in disgust, but delivers a healed and whole son to solidify a father’s faith.
Questions for further thought: 1. Can you identify with this man? Is his request to “…help me in my unbelief” one you might make? 2. Do you think faith comes all at once when we first believe, get stronger with time, or ebbs and flows? What has been your experience? Challenge: Most of us have an area of our faith where we struggle from time to time. Bring one of yours to the Lord and ask Him to help you in your unbelief. Watch for His response and record how He answers your request. 11/24/2022 0 Comments A Leader’s QuestionsAs Pastor Doug pointed out last week, David is described as “…a man after God’s own heart.” He was Israel’s greatest king. Yet in this psalm and in many others, he questions God’s intentions and, at times, His very presence in his life. Yet David’s psalms almost always end in praise of God. While David had doubts and questions, he had also walked closely with God. He knew his God, and His faith was built on the foundation of God’s faithfulness to him and to Israel.
Questions for further thought: 1. Can you recall a time in your life when you wondered where God had gone? How did you work through it? 2. What practices do you have in your life to help you walk closely with God? Challenge: Do you have an accountability partner? If so, share with them what practice you are using or plan to implement to bring you closer to God this week. 11/23/2022 0 Comments How Jesus Handles DoubtHave you ever been called a Doubting Thomas? This disciple’s doubt is well documented. But think about it…if someone told you that your pastor had come back from the dead, wouldn’t you want some proof? How did Jesus handle his doubt? Not by shaming him for his ‘lack of faith,’ but rather by inviting him to physically examine His wounds. Jesus understands our periodic struggles to have faith in things that lie beyond our experience.
Questions for further thought: 1. What do you think of Doubting Thomas? Would you have reacted differently if you had been in his shoes? 2. How do you picture Jesus reacting to your questions/doubts? Challenge: It’s easy to focus on what is going wrong in our lives and ignore our everyday wins. Tonight, as your head hits the pillow, take a few minutes to reflect on where you and Jesus won together! 11/22/2022 0 Comments Courageous QuestionsIs greater spiritual and biblical wisdom the cure for doubt? Certainly, knowing the Bible is an important path to understanding God’s plan for His creation and for us. But Nicodemus was a learned spiritual leader who recognized that Jesus was no ordinary rabbi. Though he came to Jesus under cover of darkness, he was still brave enough to admit that he didn’t fully understand Jesus’ teachings. We can certainly do the same without condemnation.
Questions for further thought: 1. Do you find it difficult to admit to others (or yourself) that you have questions about some aspects of the Bible? Why or why not? 2. Do you hesitate to bring your questions and doubts to Jesus? Challenge: I am asked almost daily to do something I feel totally unqualified to do, and I doubt my abilities. Could I also be doubting that Jesus could work through me in this area? How about you? What were you asked to do today that you weren’t sure you could? Be sure you give Jesus the praise when you do it, because together you can! 11/21/2022 0 Comments Faith DefinedThere are those who would have us believe that true faith can only exist in the absence of doubt. But this biblical definition of faith makes it clear that doubt, or at the very least serious questioning, is natural. Faith is based on what we hope for, not what we hold in our hand. It gives shape to what we cannot yet see, not what we observe as a concrete reality. Faith is only required if there is room for doubt.
Questions for further thought: 1. What teachings have you received about the relationship of doubt and faith during your walk the Lord? 2. Are you comfortable with the idea that doubt is necessary in order to have faith? Why or why not? Challenge: Theologian F.B. Meyer says, “Unbelief puts our circumstances between us and God. Faith puts God between us and our circumstances.” As you doubt in the circumstance in which you find yourself, invite God into the situation. Embrace His presence in the middle! 11/18/2022 0 Comments By Faith...The tender heart the Tin Man thought he was missing allowed him to get his dream job. He was asked to be the leader of the Winkies, after they were freed from slavery under the Wicked Witch. The Tin Man had the faith to believe he could get a heart. In the same way we need to have faith, otherwise we cannot please God. With sincere faith, we are promised to receive a reward from our God.
Questions for further thought: 1. What are you currently hoping for? 2. What is your level of faith for that hope? Challenge: Hebrews 11 is full of examples of how faith has helped many of our Old Testament heroes. Read the complete chapter and thank God for his faithfulness in our lives. 11/17/2022 0 Comments Shows EmpathyAlong the yellow brick road, the Tin Man was able to show off his tenderheartedness to the characters and the other creatures along the way. He cared about the wildlife they came across in the forest, making sure not to step on any bugs and advising the other characters to protect the deer. In the same way, we are called to be merciful with each other. We are told to love God and love others, including our enemies.
Questions for further thought: 1. Who has shown you mercy in the past? 2. Who do you need to show mercy to right now? Challenge: Showing grace can be tough. All of us are broken and imperfect. We have people in our lives that hurt us and give us deep wounds. Take time to pray for the people that have hurt you. Ask God to heal the wounds, so that you can reconcile with them. |
AuthorThis devotional is written every week by Hillcrest members. Archives
January 2025
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