10/29/2021 0 Comments Free WillJesus wants to protect us if we’ll come to Him. We reject His help because we don’t think He can help us. Jerusalem had become blind to God and insensitive to human need. We can all replace Jerusalem in this passage with our own name.
Our stubbornness in doing what we want overtakes us. Far too often we are hurting, but refuse to turn to Him. Jesus wants to protect us if we’ll come to Him. Questions for further thought: 1. What hurt are you withholding from God? 2. How can you let God protect you? Challenge: Pray that God will soften your heart and you will be able to trust Him.
10/28/2021 0 Comments A Father and His ChildrenWe are fragile, but God’s care is eternal. Too often we focus on God as judge and lawgiver, ignoring his compassion and concern for us. When God examines our lives, He remembers our human condition. Our weakness should never be used as a justification for sin. His mercy takes everything into account. God will deal with you compassionately. Trust Him.
Questions for further thought: 1. What sin(s) in your life are you justifying? 2. Which ones are you willing to give over to God? Challenge: Be obedient to God in one thing. Don’t worry about the next step. Just trust God in one thing. 10/27/2021 0 Comments Unfair TreatmentIndignation is a common description for those who keep Christian values in a broken world. You are not alone! Jesus feels deep compassion for those who are suffering. He stresses that we have a God who cares. We need not be afraid to tell Him our true feelings. He understands them. He has already experienced them. Your Savior cares about you.
Questions for further thought: 1. What is causing you indignation? 2. What can you do about it? Challenge: Tell Jesus about your true feelings. Ask Him to help you in your troubles. Then, accept His plan and take action. 10/26/2021 0 Comments We Don't Want YouFrom the beginning of time man has rejected God and continues rejecting Him today. Notice the lack of core values in our nation: murdering unwanted babies, immoral sexual relations, altering one’s gender assignment, are only a few examples of acceptable behavior nowadays. There is no evidence that our government is being guided by God. Instead, those with a moral compass are treated as selfish, hateful, intolerant. We are being conditioned to view Godly behavior as hateful. You may not be verbally saying you are rejecting God, but are your actions, beliefs, and behaviors rejecting the God of all creation?
Questions for further thought: 1. Which “king” is ruling over your life today? 2. What changes do you need to make to allow God to be King over your life? Challenge: Choose 1 – 3 things that you will surrender to God. Pray about the beliefs you hold today and ask God to show you if they are aligned with Him or if you need to rethink some of them. 10/25/2021 0 Comments RejectedWe have all been rejected before. I don’t need to describe a wound that is burrowed into a memory. A pain so deep it alters the way we see ourselves, certain situations, and even God. Jesus experienced rejection. He was (and still is) rejected by His creation. His own family rejected Him as the Messiah. People were offended by Him in his hometown.
Questions for further thought: 1. What ways are you rejecting Jesus and His gift of salvation? 2. What changes do you need to make in your life in order to accept Jesus and His gift? Challenge: Reflect on your answers in questions 1 and 2. Choose 1 thing to change and focus on making that happen. 10/22/2021 0 Comments God's Anger Management PlanNo matter the source of our anger, we must learn to manage it properly so our emotions don’t control us. James shares three key points we should remember. 1) Be quick to listen. Don’t react immediately and take time to ask yourself why you’re angry. 2) Be slow to speak. Think carefully before you say anything and make sure your words honor God. 3) Be slow to get angry. Most everyday situations don’t require your anger so be sure it’s actually worth it.
Questions for further thought: 1. Which of the three points above is most difficult for you? 2. What other emotions do you experience that may be masking themselves as anger? Challenge: Check out Chip Ingram’s study titled “Emotions that Destroy” on Right Now Media. He explores this topic of anger in depth and shares biblical truth along with insights from his own experiences. 10/21/2021 0 Comments Anger Fuels ActionSometimes anger is a God-given emotion that calls us to action. Jesus was furious that part of the house of the Lord was being used to take advantage of the people. When a worshiper wanted to buy a sacrificial animal, they had to exchange their currency first, which came with a hefty fee. The priests gained a great profit, while the temple was desecrated.
Questions for further thought: 1. How can you tell if you’re feeling righteous indignation (like Christ) or worldly rage? 2. What types of actions do you think God wants our anger to fuel? Challenge: Look back at your answers to the questions from Tuesday. Make a plan and get started. For inspiration, look up the story of how the organization M.A.D.D got started – a grieving mother channeled her anger toward drunk driving into positive action. 10/20/2021 0 Comments Learn What Makes God AngryWow…this passage makes it very clear that Jesus was ANGRY! It’s important for us to know what angers God so we can make corrections in our own lives and seek change in our churches and communities. Notice that most of what Jesus lists can be summarized as hypocrisy: making everything look perfect on the outside while allowing the inside self to be filthy with sin. Let’s get mad and motivated to clean up our lives!
Questions for further thought: 1. When do you most easily fall into worry about outward appearances? 2. How can we avoid getting caught up in the self-indulgence our culture offers daily? Challenge: Choose one of the following to focus on pursuing further during the next few weeks: justice, mercy, or faith. 10/19/2021 0 Comments Use Anger to Fight EvilImagine our Lord’s anger toward the Pharisees’ obsession with rules and disregard for hurting people. Jesus used this opportunity to provide healing for a man’s hand. If we are to imitate His example, our anger should cause us to combat evil by doing good. Jesus saw a need and filled it, despite the reactions of the authorities of His day.
Questions for further thought: 1. What wrongs in this world really make you angry? 2. How can you channel this anger into doing something good and helpful? Challenge: Verse 5 tells us that although Jesus was angry, He was also “deeply saddened by their hard hearts.” Remember when you get angry about an injustice that God still loves those in the wrong. Pity those who fall victim to the devil’s influence and pray for them. 10/18/2021 0 Comments Don't Let Anger Control YouAnger is powerful. This emotion is usually considered negative, but as we will explore this week, anger can also be a catalyst for good. Paul reminds us, though, not to allow anger to control us since the devil can use our feelings as a temptation to sin. Jesus taught that sin is not only an act; our thoughts can also be sinful. This doesn’t mean that feeling angry is sinful; it’s what we choose to think or do next that make the difference.
Questions for further thought: 1. What is your initial response when you find yourself feeling angry? 2. How can you take captive hateful thoughts about others? Challenge: If you find yourself consistently controlled by your anger and falling prey to sin, resolve now to begin making a change. Start with asking for God’s guidance, then seek resources to assist in your plan of attack, and finally, set up some accountability. |
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