5/31/2021 0 Comments Remembering the Greatest GiftCompared to the various feasts and celebrations ordained in the Old Testament, Jesus commanded relatively few ordinances. The Lord’s Supper is one which has been observed since the first days of the church. Remembering the broken body and shed blood of our Savior we recall once again the depth of God’s love for us and the greatness of the gift we have received through Jesus’ sacrifice. As Paul noted, it is not something to be entered into without reflection and appreciation.
Questions for further thought: 1. Do you recall a time when you were really struck by the significance of the Lord’s Supper for you personally? 2. How do you prepare yourself to participate in communion? Challenge: Take time today to consider all your relationships – at home, at work, at church. Chances are there are some in need of repair, others in need of strengthening and perhaps some that need to be limited. Pick one in each category to work on this week.
5/28/2021 0 Comments Me, My "Selfie," and IThe word “selfie” was actually named the word of the year by The Oxford Dictionary. Selfies have defiantly changed the way many people take photos. I’m not saying selfies are evil, I have teenagers that take their fair share! But when it turns into an obsession with presenting the perfect picture, there is a problem, we aren’t aiming outward; we are aiming inward. The lens isn’t focused on others; it’s focused on us. Pride is an enemy of the soul. A stream of carefully edited selfies certainly feeds pride in our lives. But Paul says we are to value others above ourselves. Maybe you don’t take selfies but still struggle with selfishness. The more we focus on others the happier and more fulfilled we become. I explain it to my selfie taking teens this way, “Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”
Questions for further thought: 1. How can we ‘rewire’ our digital habits for a healthier life? 2. What unique ways could you find to use social media to further God’s will in your life? Challenge: Today put your lens on someone else. The more we focus on others the happier and more fulfilled we become. 5/28/2021 0 Comments The Gift that HealsPerhaps forgiveness is the word that best ties together both mercy and grace. To quote a classic song lyric, “He paid a debt He did not owe, I owed a debt I could not pay. I needed someone to wash my sins away.” Forgiveness is God’s great gift to us. Jesus makes it quite clear that it is a gift He fully expects us to give to others. And it’s a gift that may help the giver as much or more than the recipient.
Questions for further thought: 1. What do you think Jesus meant in verses 14 and 15 of today’s passage? 2. Have you been the recipient of forgiveness from another person? How did that feel? Can you recall a time when you forgave another? Again, how did that feel? Challenge: Is there someone, living or dead, that you need to forgive? Or are you in need of forgiveness? Write a letter, make a call or visit and give, or ask for, that forgiveness. If the person is no longer living, write that letter anyway. You’ll reap the benefit. 5/27/2021 0 Comments Contentment in all SituationsPaul was able to be content even in his prison cell because he knew God was in control. He had given his life (and his will) over to God and he knew that God always had his back. Here are some ways we can make the best of any situations that come our way.
1.) Handing our problems over to God. 2.) Asking God for peace of mind. 3.) Looking for the positives and making decisions to make things better. Questions for further thought: 1. What situations do you find yourself the least content in? 2. Are there more than these 3 ways you can think of to help make the best of your situation? Challenge: Read Timothy 6:6-12 5/26/2021 0 Comments Avoiding ComparisonComparing yourself with others often causes envy. Which we know is a total soul crusher. Here are 3 ideas for how to overcome feeling envy or jealousy towards others.
Rejoice: Send an email to someone who has received amazing news! Romans 12:15 “Rejoice with those who rejoice.” Be Patient: Careers and relationships can collapse under too much, too soon. Embrace where you are now instead of longing for something different. Count the cost: The truth is we are seldom ever jealous of all the work a person does – just the outcome. Questions for further thought: 1. Out of the steps given today to end envy, which one could you start with? 2. Are there any other ideas that you either do or can think of that may help with envy? Challenge: Extra verses to read: Exodus 20:17 and 1 Peter 5:6 5/25/2021 0 Comments The Secret of ContentmentSometimes we think security and contentment are found in our career titles, our kind of car or the brand name of our clothes. When wanting more we place undue pressure on ourselves in an attempt to get what God hasn’t provided. Naturally anxiety is the result when we focus on things other than God and His will for our lives. But when we choose to thank God for what He has given us, regardless of our feelings toward them we can experience contentment.
Questions for further thought: 1. Does my heart always long for more then what God has provided? 2. If so, why, and what do I need to do to find contentment? Challenge: Make a list of all God has provided already in your life. 5/24/2021 0 Comments When Enough is EnoughI love shopping for a “thrifty find”. I’ve found the majority of our clothes, shoes and home décor from my bargain hunting. But soon our house started filling up with all my bargain-bought stuff. I find now that all my once “I really NEED this!” stuff is getting in my way. I have no idea where to store it, so I move it from room to room to free up space for more stuff. I’m learning the word “enough”. It doesn’t mean everything is perfect, it simply means we have enough because we met a goal. In our home, our closet or our schedule, we get to say “That’s enough.” Once you realize you have enough, you can see places in your life where you have extra and start sharing it!
Questions for further thought: 1. What abundance in your home is waiting to be shared? 2. Who is someone that could benefit from something you have more than enough of? Challenge: Get a bag together of your “extras” and deliver them to someone you know is in need. 5/21/2021 0 Comments ForgivenessHow do we as Christians interact with each other? Are we kind and compassionate, or are we judgmental and uncaring? The world is constantly watching us, so we must be careful how we interact with each other. We must remember that God has forgiven us and we must have the same attitude toward each other. Remember we have been “sealed for the day of redemption.” We must share this with the world.
Questions for further thought: 1. How do you interact with fellow Christians? 2. Is your faith in Christ evident to those around you? Challenge: Go out and share the good news of Christ with the world and walk in the faith. 5/20/2021 0 Comments Who Is Against Us?These are my go-to verses in the bible. With everything going on in our world today it is easy to get down and think that the deck is stacked against us. As Christians we have God on our side and He is always for us. We must put our faith in our everlasting, unchanging, faithful Savior. We must not let the burdens of this world get us down, though they are many, and come at us constantly. When the burdens come, we must stop, pray and give them to God. He is for us!
Questions for further thought: 1. What burdens are you facing this week? 2. How are you going to face your burdens, in light of today’s verses? Challenge: Change your outlook on all the things going on in our world today in light of the fact that God is for us. 5/19/2021 0 Comments TrialsIt seems in my life when I experience struggles, I always want to complain. I want to blame someone else for my problems, or I say why am I going through this. I have had some interesting trials in my life lately. At first, I asked why, why do I have to go through this? But I have come to realize that our bodies are human and they are prone to give out. The cool thing is the only way to get through this time has been to give it all to God. I have had to slow down, trust Him, and let God take care of me. He has been faithful and answered me in ways I could not have even imagined. So as James says, “let endurance have its perfect result.”
Questions for further thought: 1. What trials are you experiencing now? 2. Are you ready to let God be in full control of your life? Challenge: No matter what challenge you are facing this week know that God is by your side. Give Him the battle. |
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