8/31/2023 0 Comments Got Joy?In Philippians 4:4, Paul made his point quickly and clearly. “Rejoice . . . Rejoice!” What power is contained in this single word, rejoice. It’s the verb form of joy. While joy is a feeling, an experience, an emotion, rejoice is the action form of joy. Joy is supernatural delight in the person of God, the purposes of God, and the people of God. Because joy is supernatural, you can’t generate it yourself. You can’t resolve, I’m going down in the basement, and I’m not coming up until I have some joy. You’ll be down in that basement for a long time. You can’t make joy; it’s from the Lord. The supernatural part of joy is God’s part; our part is to delight. Delight is an action word and a choice you make. A person who delights looks for the good in everything. Once you tap into that joy, don’t just harbor it in your heart; express it! Choose joy, verbalize and live it—that supernatural delight in the person of God, the purposes of God, and the people of God.
Questions for further thought: 1. Would others describe you as a joyful person? Why or why not? 2. Where do you see a need for your joy to grow? Challenge: Pray this prayer… Father God, You give me a clear command: Rejoice. Please give me this supernatural gift. I resolve to delight in You. Teach me to be a joyful person, a true child of my Father. I choose joy because of who You are and how You’re at work in my life and the world. I choose joy because of Your purposes—Your genius, overarching master plan that encompasses every detail of my life and moves me toward eternity. I choose joy because of Your people, though they’re imperfect (like me). And I choose joy as an act of obedience to You, my Master. You make my joy full (John 15:11). I boldly ask You to multiply my joy, in the name of Jesus, Amen.
8/30/2023 0 Comments Satan's Strategy to Kill JoySatan’s approach has always been the same. His strategy to kill joy and us can be summed up in three words: Disguise, Divide, and Destroy. He accomplishes his devious deeds through these three ways: 1) Disguise- When Satan attacks in this way, seldom does anyone say, “That must be Satan.” He disguises himself and the Bible says he comes as an “Angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14). 2) Divide- Satan will split and shatter everything he can. Since marriage is a picture of the relationship of Christ and the church, Satan hates this institution. He will use whatever means necessary to break down the Christ centered bond of marriage. 3) Destroy- Marriages are breaking up, families are being torn apart, and churches are being devastated, all due to Satan’s silent blitzkrieg on God’s good work in the world. Satan wants you to live in the hurts of the past, but God wants you to trust Him to heal you. Satan wants you carry tomorrow today with worry and anxiety, but God wants you to trust Him that He will take care of you. Satan wants you to live apart from God’s Word so that you never discover the JOY found within, but God wants you to read and digest His Word each day and be renewed in the joy and peace that passes all understanding. Amen!!
Questions for further thought: 1. What experiences in my life do I now see as Satan silently at work to divide and destroy things that God was trying to accomplish through me? 2. How can God help me to counteract Satan’s influence in everyday life? Challenge: Meditate on God’s word and think back on things in your life when Satan may have been working undercover to divide and destroy. 8/29/2023 0 Comments AbideAbide. When was the last time you used that in a sentence? It is an interesting word that simply means to “remain” or “continue.” Our joy is centered in our remaining or continuing in Christ. Our calling is to simply abide in Him (vv4-10) – to dwell near to Him, entrust ourselves to His care, rely on His provision and salvation, and allow His words to penetrate our hearts and minds (v.7). Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing and will bear no meaningful fruit. Those with genuine faith will continue to abide in Christ, bear fruit, and glorify God, thus proving that they are a disciple of Christ. True believers persevere because our God will ensure it. Glory to God that He will never leave us nor forsake us!
Questions for further thought: 1. What are you doing to abide in Christ this week? 2. Read the passage quietly again, focusing on verse 11. In what ways has do you see Christ bringing a fuller joy in your life? Challenge: Do a self-assessment and ask God to help you make adjustments so that you can prioritize setting your heart and mind on Christ and His Gospel. 8/28/2023 0 Comments Joy in Trials?James begins his teaching by recognizing that life brings constant tests and trials, even for Christians. God designs those tests to bring us to maturity (vv. 2-4). However, He doesn’t leave us alone, but promises wisdom, which He gives “generously” and “without reproach” to those who ask. Because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, our reproach has been removed forever. God is eager to help us and has no intention of shaming His children. Therefore, we should make our requests with confidence in His goodness.
Questions for further thought: 1. In what ways do you find it difficult to have joy in the midst of trials? 2. How has the Lord shown up in those dark times? Challenge: Keep tabs on how God shows up in the midst of the struggle. If you journal, keep track of your prayers and pay attention to the answers that He will provide. 8/25/2023 0 Comments Avoid Hate; LoveJesus showed us while He was on Earth how to live, including loving enemies. In this passage, He asks us to do good and bless our enemies. It is always easier to love those who love us. Joy-filled believers extend that same love to their enemies.
Questions for further thought: 1. Who do you consider as an enemy? 2. How can you show love to those you identify as enemies? Challenge: Pick one of the ways you can show an enemy love and do it this week. 8/24/2023 0 Comments Avoid Being Selfish; ServeIn this passage, Jesus shows us that we need to put others before ourselves and serve others. Because of the relationship joy-filled believers have with Jesus, they serve others before serving themselves and use Jesus’ eyes to see opportunities to serve.
Questions for further thought: 1. What stops you from serving? 2. What opportunities to serve do you see? Challenge: Pick one of the opportunities you identified and serve others around you. God created everything; God sent His Son to save His creations (us); Jesus died for our sins and rose again so those who believe will live in Heaven with Him forever. On top of that, God provides daily for each of us—in things we see and things we do not always see. Joy-filled believers find things to be grateful for when times are rough.
Questions for further thought: 1. What has God done for you lately or in the past? 2. When is the last time you have thanked God for what He has done? Challenge: Take time to make a list of things that God has done for you and things you should be thankful for and then, take time to thank God for all that is on your list. 8/22/2023 0 Comments Avoid Pity Parties; Trust GodIn this passage, Elijah has had enough and even lies down under a tree to wait to die. When times get tough, joy-filled believers may indulge in a small pity party. The difference--they do not allow themselves to wallow there but pray seeking the Lord and His will for their lives. Jesus never promised a life without troubles, but He did promise to always be with us (Matthew 16:33).
Questions for further thought: 1. When have you indulged in a pity party? 2. What did you do to come out of the pity party? Challenge: If you are currently indulging in a pity party, trust that God has your back and use the ways that have worked in the past to get you unstuck. If that does not work, seek help. If you know someone who is stuck, offer an ear, a shoulder, and ways that will help them. We all have emotions and when accept Jesus, our emotions do not go away. Some emotions are acceptable, but the ones mentioned in this passage are ones we need to avoid or get rid of when they arise. Joy-filled believers try to find healthy ways to deal with these emotions (e.g. prayer, exercise, avoiding an immediate response).
Questions for further thought: 1. What negative emotions mentioned in the passage do you find the hardest to combat? 2. What ways have you tried in the past to help? Challenge: If currently experiencing a negative emotion, try one of the methods that helped you in the past. Or, if you know someone experiencing a negative emotion, lovingly share ways that have helped you. 8/18/2023 0 Comments Again, Where Are You FROM?We started this week off by asking “Where are you from?” No matter where we were born or grew up, we know this: we are children of God through faith in His son, Jesus Christ. And He calls us to tell others about Him so that as many as believe can go to where we’re really all originally from: heaven itself. There’s no greater duty or honor (or joy) in our lives.
Questions for further thought: 1. We all came from heaven, so did we pray this week to show a taste of where we came from to others? 2. Did we let others know that they, too (sorry, Thomas Wolfe) can “go home again?” That they can do that by believing in Jesus as their LORD and Savior? Challenge: From dust we were created but we had a soul from heaven even before that, and we all yearn to finally get to our real home. Pray that, along the way we gather as many of our brothers-and-sisters-in-Christ to go along WITH us to be with them, and Him, at our real home forever and ever. Help us to do this, Jesus. Amen. |
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