9/29/2023 0 Comments Before the JudgeUnfortunately, in our modern times, Christians are more often well known for what they are against instead of what they are for. Many unbelievers immediately brace for judgement when they find out someone is a Christian. This does nothing to attract them to Jesus. When we find ourselves slipping into judgmental thoughts about others, we would do well to remember that we ALL will give an account of everything we’ve done before the Lord Almighty.
Questions for further thought: 1. What things are you against that you might be too vocal about? 2. How might others around you feel judged when you voice your opinions? Challenge: Try flipping what you are against into what you are for. As an example: if you are against abortion, put your effort into being FOR helping people with unexpected pregnancies (like the Alpha Center does).
9/28/2023 0 Comments Upside-Down KingdomMost famous people are known for their talents and/or achievements. Others praise them for their accomplishments and lift them to the status of celebrity. Jesus taught that this is not how His kingdom works; among His followers, the one who serves becomes the leader. How shocking it was when the Son of God knelt down and washed the dirty feet of his ragtag group of disciples!
Questions for further thought: 1. Think of examples of good servant leaders you’ve seen in action. How could you imitate them? 2. In what ways is God calling you to serve? Challenge: When you serve, remember that our motivation for the service is even more important to God than what we actually do. Make sure your heart is right (see yesterday’s thoughts on humility). 9/27/2023 0 Comments Humility Is KeyAlong with seeking God’s will, we must remember a very important factor about how we live out His plan for us: humility. There is nothing more surprising and yet attractive to the world than a truly humble person. Humbleness allows us to have peace when we let go of our rights and gives us joy when we deflect praise to God.
Questions for further thought: 1. What do you think of when you read the phrase, “child-like faith?” 2. If those who know you best were to list your top ten attributes, would humility make the list? Challenge: Consider what might need to change in your life for you to be known for your humility. Pray for a soft heart that is willing to accept whatever the Lord reveals to you. 9/26/2023 0 Comments Seek God's WayIf we want to be known as Christ-followers, we must first seek God’s direction for our lives. Even Jesus, who is himself God, spent time seeking the Father’s will. Jesus taught that if the Kingdom of God is our first and foremost focus, everything else will fall into place. What amazing blessings we can be for others (and experience ourselves) if we are on the path God desires for us!
Questions for further thought: 1. When do you find it difficult to put earthly wisdom aside and trust the Lord’s way? 2. What is your first instinct when you come to a “fork” in your path? Challenge: Think about your answer to question 2. How can you make sure you seek God’s direction first? Start practicing this response with the little things of daily life so that when the big decisions come, it’s natural for you to ask God first. 9/25/2023 0 Comments ReputationOur reputations are more valuable than we may think. While it isn’t healthy to be super concerned with what others think of us, as Christians we want to represent our Lord accurately. Paul calls us Christ’s ambassadors. What we do and say shows what we believe, so if we love our Savior, we should do our best to imitate Him.
Questions for further thought: 1. Would others find an accurate reflection of Jesus in your life? 2. What areas of your daily life need an adjustment for you to be a good ambassador? Challenge: If you experience a repetitive situation in which you are failing to be Christ-like, ask God to change your heart regarding that person, group, event, etc. Self-control can only go so far; our thoughts and beliefs eventually leak out into our words and actions. God honors a genuine desire for attitude adjustment! 9/22/2023 0 Comments Be TransformedOnce his readers have heard the important teaching about God’s gracious salvation, Paul wants them to respond to the Gospel. The “mercies of God” that have been explained in the first 11 chapters should strengthen us to now present our whole selves and lives completely to God. Part of this requires resisting adopting the sinful tendencies of “this world” (v.2). Instead, we should be “transformed” by learning how to think from God’s perspective, which is revealed most clearly to us in the Bible. This will result in the ability to detect and follow God’s will (v.2). The aim of the Gospel message is not merely head knowledge, but lives that connect with God, delight in His will, and pursue His purposes.
Questions for further thought: 1. Where am I “taking credit” that actually should go to God? 2. In what ways can I be an ambassador for Christ in my everyday life? Challenge: The Creator of the world is not looking for us to do great things for Him; He is the Mighty One who has done great and wonderful things for us. Have no shame about your needs, and humbly bring your requests to the One who delights in answering, the Lord Jesus Christ. 9/21/2023 0 Comments In Whom Do I Trust?In Romans 8:26-30, Paul gives us fuel to strengthen our faith as we patiently work and toil until He returns. He tells us that as we wait, the Holy Spirit speaks with God on our behalf (v.26). He explains that God knows everything (v.27), has power over all things, and secures our eternal salvation. We have been surrounded with absolute protection. Reflecting on this will calm our hearts so that we can give glory to God through an evidential inward change leading to good works. He is our deliverer and our sustainer!
Questions for further thought: 1. In what ways am I being conformed to His image? 2. Who could I ask to see if my assertion is correct? Challenge: Give thanks and praise to God because the salvation that Christ has accomplished is secure for those who trust Him to the end. We did nothing to earn it, and there is nothing we can do to lose it. Thanks be to our great God!! 9/20/2023 0 Comments Merciful MotivationNote Paul’s use of the word “appeared” (3:4 and also Titus 2:11-14). Christ’s appearance among His people to display “the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior” is presented as the means by which His people are motivated “to devote themselves to good works” (v 8). All true Godliness is a consequence of understanding that God mercifully came and found us. He “appeared” to us. We did not first seek after Him. When Christ appeared, Paul says that God and God alone “saved us” not due to any contribution we may have offered, but solely due to His own mercy (v.5). We learn that His mercy gives us new birth or “regeneration,” the inner renewal of who we are by the Holy Spirit. Salvation through the Gospel is a total salvation, and is totally by way of God’s own free grace. The good news of Christ’s salvation is what enables us to live with Godly devotion – living for Christ without being intimidated by the world or enslaved by its motivations.
Questions for further thought: 1. If I asked you to define mercy, how would you answer? 2. How would you define grace? Challenge: Mercy is God not giving me what I deserve. Grace is God giving me what I don’t deserve. Do you see how those are different? Read those carefully again and give God glory and praise for both His mercy and His grace!! 9/19/2023 0 Comments Gospel-Centered LivingThese verses are arguably the most concise explanation of gospel-centered living found anywhere in Scripture. Only by embracing the grace of God can we live “self-controlled, upright, and Godly lives” (Titus 2:12) that are “zealous for good works” (v.14). Spiritual disciplines, Scripture memorization, and accountability structures have their place, but a profound encounter with the grace of the Gospel is the only thing that can produce lasting change at the level of our desires. The Gospel produces such loving and longing for our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, that we desire to honor Him with our lives. When that love and longing are present, Godly behavior will inevitably follow.
Questions for further thought: 1. In what ways am I saying “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions? (See v.12) 2. In what ways am I living a self-controlled, upright, and Godly life in the present age? (v.12) Challenge: Let’s change it up a little. Don’t begin your day with a list of things to do. Instead, begin with your eyes upon the Lord, asking Him to help you first remember what He has done. 9/18/2023 0 Comments Working from GraceThere was nothing we could do to earn this salvation. We are saved by the grace of Christ through faith alone, not because of any works (vv. 8-9). In fact, Paul says that even our faith is a gift from God, leaving no room for boasting of any sort. This doesn’t mean, however, that our good works are pointless. They are not the root of our salvation, but they are the necessary fruit of it. God has prepared good deeds for us, and wants us to demonstrate the reality of our faith in Christ by the way we conduct our lives (v.10).
Questions for further thought: 1. In what ways have I believed that my favor with God has something to do with my performance? 2. How can I put this attitude to death and instead concentrate on the One (Jesus Christ) that has given me grace and favor outside of what I have accomplished? Challenge: Seek to put your trust and faith in the only One who can save; the Lord Jesus Christ. Take a few minutes to read Ephesians 2:1-10 and see what God has done for those in Christ! |
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