3/31/2021 0 Comments God's Inner VoiceSo how exactly does God communicate with his people today? As Jesus stated in this passage, that’s the role of the Holy Spirit. Believers now have an internal guide with us at all times to help us interpret Scripture and discern God’s direction in our decision-making. Jesus speaks to the Spirit, and the Spirit in turn helps lead us in understanding and applying the truth.
Questions for further thought: 1. How does the Holy Spirit communicate with us today? 2. What role would you say the Holy Spirit plays in your daily life? Challenge: Spend some time this week looking up references to the Holy Spirit in your Bible. Jot down a few notes on the person and role of the Spirit from your study.
3/30/2021 0 Comments Attentive SheepAs Elijah’s story and other accounts clearly illustrate, the prophets in the Old Testament were directed by God’s voice. New Testament believers have an even better deal – Jesus’ promise that He will speak to His sheep. We don’t have to be prophets to hear from God. But just as Elijah learned to recognize God’s voice, we must learn to hear the words of our Shepherd. Fortunately, we have the additional benefit of access to the Bible to help discern truth from error.
Questions for further thought: 1. When you’re “in the wilderness,” is your first instinct to talk to God or to find your own way out? 2. What does Jesus’ description of Himself as the Good Shepherd mean to you in practical, everyday terms? Challenge: 2020 was a wilderness year for many of us. If you’re in your own wilderness now, read the passages describing Jesus as the Good Shepherd again, along with Psalm 23. Ask for God’s strength and leading to guide you out of the wilderness. 3/29/2021 0 Comments A Trained EarIf I were in Elijah’s shoes on the mountain, I would have fallen for the wind, earthquake or fire. But Elijah knew God was in the whisper because this wasn’t his first rodeo. By walking with, speaking with and, most importantly, listening to God for a long time, he had learned to recognize His voice.
Questions for further thought: 1. Do you believe it’s still possible to hear God speaking today? Why or why not? 2. Can you recall some instances where you believe God spoke to or directed you? Challenge: Two things are necessary to learn to hear from God. First, dedicated time to spend with Him and, second, a good working knowledge of the Bible. If your quiet time and Bible reading need work, make that a priority this week. 3/26/2021 0 Comments Never AbandonedSarah was promised a child, and God provided her with a son. Just not by her plans. Hagar and Ishmael were promised protection, water and food. Just not the way they had planned. God never abandoned them. This past year, our plans have changed. God did not abandon us. We will have times in the future when plans are forced to change (again). Take solace that God will not abandon us.
Questions for further thought: 1. During this past year, what changes, big and small, have you needed to make? 2. Where has God provided for you in the past year? Challenge: Share your concerns that you are currently having right now with Jesus. Praise Him that he is working behind the scenes beyond our understanding to provide for you. He is bigger than your imagination can fathom! 3/25/2021 0 Comments Provisions in the WildernessHagar and Ishmael were sent away due to Sarah’s envy. They were suddenly cut off and forced to go out on their own. Abraham gave them a starter kit. Then, when those provisions were exhausted, God provided the water, and trained Ishmael to be a skilled hunter. They were able to become self-sufficient. Ishmael was able to be a forefather a great nation of many people.
Questions for further thought: 1. In your adult life, have you ever been forced to rely on someone else to provide for your needs? How did you feel? 2. Is there someone you know that is in need? How can you help them? Challenge: Many people in our community need physical, social or mental assistance. Caring for these individuals and families can open pathways to share the Gospel. Plan a way to help those in need and follow the Holy Spirit as seeds are planted. 3/24/2021 0 Comments Living With EnvyThe contempt Sarah showed Hagar was tenuous. She was envious when Hagar gave birth to the child she thought was her promise from God. Even after she was blessed with Isaac, she still had contempt toward Hagar and Ishmael. Her envy caused her to oversee the celebration feast Abraham prepared for Isaac’s birth.
Questions for further thought: 1. Is there someone you’re envious of? What do they have that makes you envious? 2. What celebration are you missing out on because of your envy of others? Challenge: Ask a trusted friend to have an honest discussion about the envies you are having. Ask them to show you the blessing you are missing out. If they can pray for you, even better! 3/23/2021 0 Comments Realized DreamsSarai (now Sarah) thought she would never have children. She just had to wait a long fourteen years for this to happen. The miracle happened when it was impossible on her own terms; she had given up on her dream. Sarah had learned that God was in control, and it was a blessing.
Questions for further thought: 1. Did you have a dream that was never fulfilled and seems impossible now? 2. Can you fathom how God would fulfill this dream? What faith on your part would it take? Challenge: Think about a large dream that seems impossible. What steps of faith would it take to fulfill that dream? What actions can you take, and what actions would you need to leave up to God? 3/22/2021 0 Comments Shattered DreamsAbram had been promised he would have many sons (Gen 15), but he and his wife Sarai struggled for decades with infertility. So, Sarai gave permission for Abram to impregnate his servant. Abram used this as an opportunity, but Sarai took this as shame and embarrassment. She was the reason for the infertility since Hagar was able to have a son. Sarai’s dreams as a biological mother were shattered.
Questions for further thought: 1. When have you taken God’s plan into your own hands? 2. What were the consequences when you did this? Were there any regrets? Challenge: Take some personal time with God to confess when you have tried to take God’s plan from Him. While your at it, ask also for wisdom and patience when an importance decision comes again. 3/19/2021 0 Comments Choosing Self - AgainKing David ends up in the wilderness again, this time, arguably, because he loves his son Absalom too much. Absalom eventually dies from the consequences of his choice to try to usurp the kingdom from his father, and even then David mourns for him! David is a great example for all of us who feel foolish and fallible: if he can be “a man after God’s own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14) after continuously sinning and repenting, then so can we.
Questions for further thought: 1. Do you ever feel like you’ve lived so long as a Christian, yet you still make “rookie mistakes” that drive you back to your knees again, seeking forgiveness? 2. Is there any limit to God’s forgiveness, when we seek it? Challenge: Take time in your prayers today to thank God for the bottomless love and mercy that lets us return again and again and be restored. 3/18/2021 0 Comments Choosing to RepentEven in the depth of his guilt and pain, David was able to turn again toward God. He poured out his heart, recognizing that a repentant spirit was worth so much more to God than any number of sacrifices. His journey toward restoration – after sins that many of us would have a hard time forgiving ourselves for – provides an example of why David was “a man after God’s own heart,” despite all of his flaws.
Questions for further thought: 1. Is there any sin you need to ask forgiveness for with a broken and repentant spirit? 2. Is there anyone who has sinned against you who needs your forgiveness? Challenge: Read through Psalm 51, resting in the assurance that God is able to create in us a clean heart every time we ask Him to. |
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